Misty's Soapbox: The "Church Face"

Posted on 8:49 AM In: , ,
I think I might be getting ready to disappoint some of my friends out there. I just want to let you know in advance this might not be what you think. That being said. . .

I hear a lot of talk out there today about people in the church being fake. You know what I'm talking about. People say that the church is so fake because we all paint smiles on our faces and say we are fine when we aren't. I guess I get that to a point, but honestly it seems like people don't want us to have any privacy. And while I'm being honest it seems like sometimes those people who want us to "be real” are really just nosy. Case in point: If asked how am doing I try to be honest. But "just having and bad day" or "got a lot on my plate right now" never seems to be enough. I always get follow up questions and saying out loud "I don't want to talk about it" makes everyone uncomfortable. The fact of the matter is, not everything that goes on in my life is your business!

Let me clarify a few things for those of you who don't know me. 1: I am a very open person. There aren't many things about my life that I will shy away from talking about. 2: I am also a private person. There are some things that I want to stay between me and God, or me, God and a few close friends. 3: I am a moody person. Whether or not I want to talk about something usually depends on my mood. Sometimes, I just don't want to talk about things.

Now having said all that I have a few questions for those of you that think people are fake. 1: Are you that person's friend? 2: Jesus tells us to carry one another's burdens. . . are you ready to do that for that person? 3 : What is the real motivation behind your concern. . . do you care or are you just curious?

So, I'm going to throw some suggestions out there for those of you frustrated with the fake. The next time you ask someone how they are doing and you think there answer is fake, just pray for them with out knowing the specifics. It will help a lot more than your curiosity. Let vague honestly be enough. You can ask if they want to talk about it, but be willing to let it go if they say no. Let that person know if they need a friend you are there. Let people tell you their secrets on their own terms. Give a person their privacy, and let God deal with the rest.

Here is the deal. My husband is in full-time ministry. I understand that I live in a glass house because of that. But I never signed up to tell everyone everything. If I need help or am going through something, I tell my close friends. If you ask how I'm doing and I smile and say "fine," it might be my "church face" and it might not. You should know that "fine" doesn't mean "great," so I'm not lying. You need to consider that I have my reasons for not wanting to share everything, and you need to trust me and God to work those things out. My point is: I have a "church face” and I am comfortable with that. You need to be, too.

A “Whoa. . .” Moment

Posted on 12:04 PM In: , ,
The other night I was reading my bible and something really jumped out at me. I was reading in Psalms, just trying to focus my thoughts before turning out the light to go to sleep. Just reading along and then “Whoa . . .” I was reading out of the New Living Translation, not my usual bible. I knew I would probably see new things with a new translation, but nothing like this. I have read Psalm 37 many times. Psalms is my favorite book of the Bible, just because I can relate so well to so many of them. So reading this chapter was kind of my lullaby, until I grazed over verses 23 and 24.

The Lord directs the steps of the godly. He delights in every detail of their lives. Though they stumble, they will never fall, for the Lord holds them by the hand.”

At first, it didn't register. I just kept reading then it hit me, “wait, what did that say?” So I read it again. “The Lord directs the steps of the godly. He delights in every detail of their lives. Though they stumble, they will never fall, for the Lord holds them by the hand.”

Whoa. . .

Every detail. Every detail! Every detail? I couldn't quite comprehend it. I flipped back through memories of some details I was pretty sure He didn't delight in. But the bible said every detail. And then it all made sense. The next verse set it all straight. “Though they stumble, they will never fall, for the Lord holds them by the hand.”

Those stumbles, those remembered details that I knew he couldn't possibly delight in, He was there in those times, holding my hand. I remembered the other week. My son had done something that he was not proud of and, when he realized it, he went to pieces. Now, I fully disapproved of his behavior. I was even a little angry with him to be honest, but I held him as he cried. He was upset and he turned to me. And at that moment I was able to take joy from the simple fact that I was holding him. The reason I got to hold him didn't really matter, I just enjoyed having him in my arms, and we dealt with the issue later.

I wonder if that is how it is for God. He is able to delight in every detail because he loves us. Even the stumbles, the things that we are not proud of He delights in those because He gets to hold our hand and help us through. It brings to mind 2 Corinthians 12:9 (New Living Translation) Each time he said, “My grace is all you need. My power works best in weakness.” So now I am glad to boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ can work through me. Amen.

Something else sticks out to me. It first talks about our steps being directed by God and then speaks of stumbling. Humm. The order does make you think . . .